- Structural surrogate modelling of a floating offshore wind turbine with physics-guided spatial-temporal graph neural network
Kobe Hoi-Yin Yung, Qing Xiao, Xiuqing Xing, Atilla Incecik, Chang Wei Kang
EERA DeepWind 2025
Trondheim, Norway (2025)
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- High fidelity CFD analysis of turbulence and velocity shear profile impacts on a 2-bladed horizontal axis tidal turbine
Bryn Townley, Qing Xiao, Athanasios Angeloudis, Ian Ashton
In proceedings of the 7th Asian Offshore Wind, Wave and Tidal Energy Conference Series
AWTEC2024, Busan, Korea (2024)
Download the Article in PDF format - A new digital twin model of floating offshore wind turbine for cost-effective structural health monitoring
Kobe Hoi-Yin Yung, Qing Xiao, Atilla Incecik, Peter Thompson
All-Energy Exhibition and Conference 2024-SEC, Exhibition Way
Glasgow, United Kingdom (2024)
Download the Article in PDF format - Numerical analysis of structured sheet material in flexible oscillating water column wave energy converter
Yang Huang, Guillermo Idarraga, Qing Xiao, Liu Yang, Saishuai Dai, Farhad Abad, Feargal Brennan, Saeid Lotfian
Proceedings of the ASME 2024 43rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore, and Arctic Engineering
OMAE2024, Singapore EXPO, Singapore (2024)
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- Mooring force estimation for floating offshore wind turbines with augmented Kalman Filter: a step towards digital twin
Kobe Hoi-Yin Yung, Qing Xiao, Atilla Incecik, Peter Thompson
The 5th International Offshore Wind Technical Conference
IOWTC2023, Exeter, United Kingdom (2023)
Download the Article in PDF format - Digital twin modelling of floating offshore wind turbine with fully coupled aero-hydrodynamic simulation
Kobe Hoi-Yin Yung, Qing Xiao, Atilla Incecik, Peter Thompson
CENSIS (Centre for Sensor and Imaging Systems) Tech Summit 2023
CENSIS23, Glasgow, United Kingdom (2023)
Download the Article in PDF format - Investigating the impact of multi-rotor structure shadowing on tidal stream turbine performance
Bryn Townley, Weichao Shi, Qing Xiao, Athanasios Angeloudis, Ian Ashton, Bevan Wray
The 15th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference
EWTEC2023, Bilbao, Spain (2023)
Download the Article in PDF format - A CFD-FEM analysis for Anaconda WEC with mooring lines
Yang Huang, Qing Xiao, Guillermo Idarraga, Liu Yang, Saishuai Dai, Farhad Abad, Feargal Brennan, Saeid Lotfian
The 15th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference
EWTEC2023, Bilbao, Spain (2023)
Download the Article in PDF format - Numerical analysis of flexible tube wave energy converter using CFD-FEA method
Yang Huang, Qing Xiao, Guillermo Idarraga, Liu Yang, Saishuai Dai, Farhad Abad, Feargal Brennan, Saeid Lotfian
Proceedings of the ASME 2023 42nd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore, and Arctic Engineering
OMAE2023, Melbourne, Australia (2023)
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- A coupled wave-current-structure study for a floating offshore wind turbine platform
Xiang Li, Qing Xiao, Rodolfo T. Gonçalves, Christophe Peyrard
Proceedings of the ASME 2022 41th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore, and Arctic Engineering
OMAE2022, Hamburg Germany (2022)
Download the Article in PDF format - Wake interaction between two floating offshore wind turbines with blade deformation
Yang Huang, Qing Xiao, Decheng Wan
Proceedings of the ASME 2022 41st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore, and Arctic Engineering
OMAE2022, Hamburg Germany (2022)
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- Dynamic response of a novel flexible wave energy converter under regular waves
Xiang Li, Qing Xiao, Yang Luo, Giacomo Moretti, Marco Fontana, Michele Righi
The 14th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference
EWTEC2021, Plymouth, UK (2021)
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- CFD-FSI Analysis on Motion Control of Bio-Inspired Underwater AUV System Utilizing PID Control
Marvin Wright, Yang Luo,Qing Xiao, Mark Post, Wael Gorma, Andrew Durrant, Hong Yue
Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE OES Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Symposium
AUV 2020, St. John’s Canada(2020) - Multi-actuated AUV Body for Windfarm Inspection Lessons from the Bio-inspired RoboFish Field Trials
Marvin Wright, Wael Gorma ,Yang Luo, Mark Post, Qing Xiao, Andrew Durrant
Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE OES Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Symposium
AUV 2020, St. John’s Canada(2020) - A CFD study for floating offshore wind turbine aerodynamics in turbulent wind field
Yang Zhou, Qing Xiao, Atilla Incecik, Chirstophe Peyrard, Decheng Wan, Sunwei Li
Proceedings of the ASME 2020 International Offshore Wind Technical Conference
IOWTC2020, IOWTC2020-3515, Boston, MA, USA (2020)
- A fluid-structure interaction study on a passively deformed fish fin
Yang Luo, Qing Xiao,Guangyu Shi, Li Wen, Zhiming Yuan
Proceedings of the ASME 2019 38th International
Conference on Ocean, Offshore, and Arctic Engineering
OMAE 2019, Glasgow Scotland (2019) - An actuator disc analysis of a ducted high-solidity tidal turbine in yawed flow
Mitchell Borg, Qing Xiao, Atilla Incecik, Steven Allsop, Christoph Peyrard
Proceedings of the ASME 2019 38th International
Conference on Ocean, Offshore, and Arctic Engineering
OMAE 2019, Glasgow Scotland (2019) - Investigation of focused wave impact on floating platform for offshore floating wind turbine – A CFD study
Yang Zhou, Qing Xiao,Yuanchuan Liu, Atilla Incecik, Christophe Peyrard
Proceedings of the ASME 2019 38th International
Conference on Ocean, Offshore, and Arctic Engineering
OMAE 2019, Glasgow Scotland (2019) - A fluid-structure interaction solver for the study of the propulsion of a passively deformed fish fin
Yang Luo, Qing Xiao, Guangyu Shi
VIII International Conference on Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering
COUPLED 2019, Sitges(Barcelona), Spain (2019)
2018 – 2011
- Numerical Analysis of a High-Solidity Ducted Tidal Turbine
Mitchell Borg, Qing Xiao, Steven Allsop, Atilla Incecik, Christoph Peyrard
IEEE OCEANS 18, Kobe Japan (2018)
- A coupled CFD-Multibody dynamics analysis tool for offshore wind turbines with aeroelastic blades
Yuanchuan Liu, Qing Xiao, Atilla Incecik
36th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (2017) - Study of self-propelled Pufferfish driven by multiple fins – a comparision between rigid and deformable fins
Ruoxin Li, Qing Xiao, Lijun Li, Hao Liu
36th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (2017) - A study of 3D flexible caudal fin for fish propulsion
Guangyu Shi, Qing Xiao, Qiang Zhu
36th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (2017)
- Harvesting energy from a flexible flapping membrane in a uniform flow
Guangyu Shi, Qing Xiao
5th Oxford Tidal Energy Workshop (2016)
- Bend and twist effect for large-scale vertical axis turbine
Wendi Liu, Qing Xiao
11th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference Series (EWTEC) (2015) - CFD Simulation of Vortex-Induced Vibration of a Vertical Riser
Enhao Wang, Qing Xiao, Atilla Incecik
The 9th International Workshop on Ship and Marine Hydrodynamics (2015) - Investigation of the effects of the platform motion on the aerodynamics of a floating offshore wind turbine
Yuanchuan Liu, Qing Xiao, Atilla Incecik and Decheng Wan
The 9th International Workshop on Ship and Marine Hydrodynamics (2015)
- Investigation on motion response of a semi-submersible platform and its mooring system
Yuanchuan Liu, Decheng Wan, Qing Xiao and Atilla Incecik
The 2nd International Conference on Maritime Technology (2014) - A study of vortex ring generation by a circular disc with its application in bionic investigation
Ruoxin Li, Laibing Jia, Qing Xiao
The 2nd International Conference on Maritime Technology (2014) - An experimental and analytical investigation on the hydrodynamic efficiency of a cylindrical oscillating water column wave energy device
Saishuai Dai, Sandy Day, Qing Xiao
The 2nd International Conference on Maritime Technology (2014) - Numerical Simulation of Multi-Modal Vortex-Induced Vibration of a 3D Flexible Circular Cylinder
Enhao Wang, Qing Xiao, Wendi Liu
The 2nd International Conference on Maritime Technology (2014) - A study on oscillating foil energy harvester with a passive flexible foil
Wendi Liu, Qing Xiao
Grand Renewable Energy International Conference and Exhibition (2014)
- System Damping Effect on VIV Energy Extraction Device
Enhao Wang, Qing Xiao, Wendi Liu
The 8th International Workshop on Ship Hydrodynamics (2013) - Vortex-induced vibration of circular cylinder with two degrees of freedom : CFD vs. reduced-order models
Enhao Wang, Qing Xiao, Narakorn Srinil, Hossein Zanganeh
32nd Int Conf on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (OMAE2013) (2013) - Energy extraction by flexible flapping twin wing
Wendi Liu, Qing Xiao
32nd Int Conf on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (OMAE2013) (2013) - An exploration of a PASSIVE articulated fish�\like system
Jianxin Hu, Qing Xiao
32nd Int Conf on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (OMAE2013) (2013)
- Flow control for energy efficiency enhancement for variable pitch marine vertical axis turbine
Wendi Liu, Qing Xiao
22nd International Offshore and Polar Engineering (2012)
- Dynamic response of a flapping foil with a non-sinusoidal kinematic motion.
Jianxin Hu, Qing Xiao, Atilla Incecik
21nd International Offshore and Polar Engineering (2011) - A numerical feasibility study on wing flutter-based energy device via fluid-structure coupling
Qing Xiao, Shuchi Yang, Wei Liao, Xue Wang
41st AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit (2011) - Parametric study on a cylinder drag reduction using downstream undulating foil
Qing Xiao, Wendi Liu, Jianxin Hu
41st AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit (2011)